TASC Test Announcements and 2016 Update
Next year will be a big year for the TASC test program. What you have accomplished at your TASC test center is rewarding to see, and most importantly, rewarding for all the adult learners you serve. We are now excited to share some news about TASC test as we look forward to working with you and your TASC test takers in 2016. Here is an update about what you can expect to see in the coming year.
CTB Joins Forces with DRC, an Education Industry Leader
In July of 2015, Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) acquired CTB, including the TASC test program. DRC has provided full-service assessment programs to the education market for more than 37 years. We are known nationwide for delivering highly reliable technology solutions and for supporting the transition to computer-based assessment through our innovative online testing platform, DRC INSIGHTTM. TASC test centers will benefit from our combined force of dedicated employees and our reputation for technical excellence, high quality services and products, and customer responsiveness.
Transition to a New Online Testing Engine
We are excited about what the DRC INSIGHT testing platform can do to further transform the TASC test program in 2016. This powerful and extremely reliable online testing engine will give testing centers and test takers the peace of mind of a consistent, uninterrupted online testing experience. Since 2010, DRC INSIGHT has been trusted to deliver millions of secure online tests across the country. The DRC INSIGHT system is highly scalable, allowing us to meet the increasing demand for online testing without delays or downtime. When TASC test is on this proven and dependable system, it will greatly improve the online testing experience for test centers and test takers. DRC INSIGHT will help ensure that you can focus your time and attention on the test, and not on the technology.
Not only will this transition be beneficial for test takers, DRC will be addressing issues that Test Coordinators and Examiners have reported as cumbersome and redundant. As a result, the steps involved with the registration and scheduling process will be streamlined to provide a more user-friendly system.
Updated Schedule for Release of Test Forms
Since DRC’s acquisition of CTB and the TASC test, our integrated teams of content and technology experts have met several times with state departments of education leadership and staff across the country to obtain their input on the TASC test and services. We heard from the state departments of education that they are excited to utilize the DRC INSIGHT test engine, but they want the least amount of disruption for test centers and test takers. In order to provide ample time for test centers and examinees to receive training and practice opportunities with the new system, we will be releasing both online and paper-pencil forms G, H, and I in August of 2016. While waiting for this new release, first-time test takers and re-testers will be able to continue testing using forms D, E, and F. While an August 2016 release is later than anticipated, states must continue to use existing forms in the interim to avoid any disruption to their testing systems.
We are looking forward to communicating with you regularly as we roll out the DRC INSIGHT online testing system for the TASC test program, and implement other new programs throughout 2016. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Test Assessing Secondary Completion™
TASC Test Customer Support
Toll-free telephone: 888.282.0589
Toll-free fax: 877.800.9389
Email: TASCtest_helpdesk@ctb.com